Welcome to West Ashby Parish Council website.  The site is provided by Lincolnshire County Council to parishioners, visitors to the village or those with a passing interest in West Ashby and its environs.

The West Ashby Parish Council is made up of 7 elected members - comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and 5 members - all unpaid volunteers who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.

The Clerk to the Parish Council is a paid, part-time employee.

Meetings of the Parish Council occur 6 times per year. Our normal meeting venue is West Ashby Village Hall; however, during the Covid situation we are holding meetings remotely by zoom. Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the commencement of the meeting in Parishioners Items.

Please review the full content of the website and feel free to provide feedback for its development to the Clerk at clerk.lapwater@talktalk.net.